Moving to another country: a wonderful and outstanding life experience? The truth about this process is totally different. Of course there are good things and fantastic experiences, but there also hard challenges we need to manage day by day.
My first day in the USA was not as glamorous as many people imagine 🤣 it was crazy! I had 4 flights before arriving in Rochester. When I got here on Thursday, 8/25/2022 I was without some important stuff such as pillow, clothes hanger, power plug extension, sheet, duvet, and many other “simple” and necessary things that we never remember until we need them.
My Brazilian friend Érico met me at the airport, introduced me to the city and led me to Walmart to buy necessary items to complement my bedroom stuff. He helped a lot, guiding me around the place and showing me products unknown to me. It was a long and exhausting shopping day, but I bought all necessary items.
The first week was very, very stressful and tiring! I had many orientation meetings and sometimes I could not understand everything clearly, but I could make it up later. (I’ll write more about this later.)
But Weverton, you ask, what about the good things?!
Well, before Walmart Érico showed me some places in the city. Then I became aware of the wonderful things presented to me. The good energy around the city, the animals, beautiful landscapes, different people from my own culture… all amazing, the neighbourhood is calm (except the musician’s houses, very noisy all day 😆), people’s whispers are different and many other things. The atmosphere is completely different from my country! I realized that I am a new person in this new atmosphere. I started out being “afraid” about these differences, and I said to myself “ Don’t freak out Weverton! It’s just different, not just more of the same”. I then understood why the composer Dvořák wrote the New World Symphony when he spent some time in the USA, because the cultural differences wake up a feeling inside ourselves to learn and share more and more.
Of course I will have challenges here, it’s a new world! But, new challenges come with more knowledge and maturity to handle each one and the good things are like the last movement of the Dvořák Symphony, grandiose and transforming!
And you, what is your new world? This is mine!